Neuroscience is beautiful. Why shouldn’t neuroscience communication also be lovely? Here are a few scientific graphics I’ve produced over the years.

An eight foot poster on display at Zoo New England in conjunction with the Zoo Brains exhibit. The animals on this poster - human included - are life sized.

An eight foot poster on display at Zoo New England in conjunction with the Zoo Brains exhibit. The animals on this poster - human included - are life sized.

action potential gamba.gif

Animating the action potential by Amy Sterling and Daniela Gamba

Schematic showcasing various types of inhibitory neurons of the brain. Our research at Seung Lab is likely to expand the known types of such cells. Illustration by Daniela Gamba

Schematic showcasing various types of inhibitory neurons of the brain. Our research at Seung Lab is likely to expand the known types of such cells. Illustration by Daniela Gamba

Pyramidal neurons are the primary excitatory neurons in the brain. In contrast to inhibitory neurons, they encourage their synaptic partners to fire. Illustration by Daniela Gamba

Pyramidal neurons are the primary excitatory neurons in the brain. In contrast to inhibitory neurons, they encourage their synaptic partners to fire. Illustration by Daniela Gamba

Neuron Anatomy Series

3D Renders by Amy Sterling

These images were created in Cinema 4D using Otoy Octane Renderer from data generated through the IARPA MICrONS program.


Zoo Brains